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Peter Jackson's King Kong is a great game, but short. In this game you play the part of king kong and then you play the part of a character named jack. this game takes place on an island that you are stranded on. When you play the part of jack your in first person and you can use spears to survive. You do use guns but those run out of ammo to easily. King Kong is a hard, but short game.
Need for Speed: Most Wanted is a great street racing game. In Need For Speed Most Wanted you lose your car to the cops racing your rival. Now you have to start from scratch. I think it is really awesome that they put cops in this game. When the cops start to chase you they start on heat one which sucks because you can escape from them really easily. Their are some mossions where you need the cops and it really sucks because its really easy to escape from the cops when your on heat 1 the toughest heat is heat 5. Heat 5 is when the send a helicopter after you and lay down spikes to pop your tires and they also send suv's after you that ram into you. I think the cut scense look just like a movie.
Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones is the finall and best game of the Prince Of Persia series. I love the idea of the prince having an evil side, but one of his features I dont like is that he constintly losses health. It gets anyoing when your running around thinking of what to do when all of the sudden you fall down and die. In the game the prince learns how to spead kill. Spead kill is when you sneak up on your enemy and press the action botton and kill him with one stab to the heart. This game has a problem with the cut scense, whenever the prince moves his face while talking his hair go striaght through his face.